Need a giggle these jokes are pure comedy gold 08


Funny Jokes

The conversation went like this, when I got pulled over in my car:Officer: “License and registration, please, I think you are drunk!”Me: “I assure you, I did not drink anything.”Officer: “Okay, let's do a little test! Imagine driving in the dark on a high


Funny Jokes

Larry's barn burned down and his wife, Susan, called the insurance company.Susan spoke to the insurance agent and said,“We had that barn insured for fifty thousand, and I want my money.”The agent replied, “Whoa there, just a minute.Insurance doesn't work


Funny Jokes

After a preacher dies and goes to Heaven, he notices that a New York cab driver has been awarded a higher place.“I don't understand,” he complains to Saint Peter“I devoted my entire life to my congregation.”“Our policy here in Heaven is to reward results,


Funny Jokes

A man was tired of being bossed around by his wife, so he went to see a psychiatrist.The psychiatrist said he needed to build his self-esteem and so gave him a book on assertiveness, which he read on the way homeHe finished the book by the time he reached


Funny Jokes

So, today I went over to the local Gun shop to get a Colt 9mm handgun for home/personal protection.When I was ready to pay for the pistol and ammo, the cashier said, “Strip down, facing me.”Making a mental note to complain to the government about gun cont


Funny Jokes

The old beady-eyed moderator in charge of the classroom stared towards the clock at the end of the room as the students furiously scribbled down the remainder of their answers, knowing that time was almost up.Minutes later, the clock struck a new hour and


Funny Jokes

A nun wakes up one morning and decides to go for a walk She gets out of bed and puts on her shoes.As she's walking down the hallway to the convent kitchen, another nun looks at her, smiles and says, “Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed this mornin


Funny Jokes

A police officer came upon a terrible wreck where the driver and passengers had been killed.As he looked upon the wreckage a little monkey came out of the brush and hopped around the crashed car.The officer looked down at the monkey and said “I wish you c


Funny Jokes

After their baby was born, the panicked Jewish father went to see the obstetrician Dr. Cohen.
“Doctor,” Mr. Spiegel said, “I don’t mind telling you, but I’m a little upset because my daughter has red hair.
She can’t possibly be mine.”


Funny Jokes

A prince was put under a spell so that he could speak only one word each year.
If he didn’t speak for two years, the following year he could speak two words and so on. One day, he fell in love with a beautiful lady.
He refrained from speaking for tw


Funny Jokes

She ended the letter saying she preferred accommodation as close as possible to a WC.You anglophones will recognize WC as a water closet or toilet.  The Swiss innkeeper was not that well acquainted with English, so he took the letter to his friend the par


Funny Jokes

Joe had asked Bob to help him out with the deck after work, so Bob just went straight over to Joe’s place.
When they got to the door, Joe went straight to his wife, gave her a hug and told her how beautiful she was and how much he had missed her at wor


Funny Jokes

A chicken farmer went to the local barHe sat next to a woman and ordered champagne.The woman said: “How strange, I also just ordered a glass of champagne.”“What a coincidence,” said the farmer, who added, “It is a special day for meI'm celebrating”“It is


Funny Jokes

Having determined that the husband was infertile, a childless couple decided to try artificial insemination.
When the woman showed up at the clinic, she was told to undress, get up on the table and place her feet in the stirrups.
She was feeling ver


Funny Jokes

The story began when I was a child. I was born as a son of a poor family.
Even for eating, we often got lack of food. Whenever the time for eating, mother often gave me her portion of rice. While she was removing her rice into my bowl, she would say “E


Funny Jokes

Two hunters, Paul and Kurt, were in a lodge, making small talk.Paul asked Kurt, “So, what do you hunt?”Kurt answered, “I hunt unicorns.”Paul was startled, but said, “Really? How do you do that?”Kurt replied, “I find a pure and hire her to help meThe pure


Funny Jokes

A little boy was in a relative's weddingAs he was coming down the aisle he would take two steps, stop, and turn to the crowd (alternating between bride's side and groom's side).While facing the crowd, he would put his hands up like claws and roarSo it wen


Funny Jokes

There was an old man who had a dream one night that he would be protected from a ravaging storm that would engulf his whole village.The next day, as expected, a terrible storm came to his region.The first day a neighbor of his offered help for him to flee


Funny Jokes

The Wine Taster At An Old Vineyard Died. A Homeless Guy, Looking Ragged And Dirty, Came To Apply.
He Persuaded The Manager To Give Him A Try.
The guy was given a glass of wine. He swirled, smelled, sipped and spit.
“It’s a red wine, Merlot, three


Funny Jokes

The lawyer says to his client, Bill Shorten,
“I have some good news and some bad news.”
Bill replies:
“I’ve had a bloody awful week, so let’s hear the good news first.”
The lawyer says:
“Your wife Chloe invested $20,000 in five pictures whi


Funny Jokes

A man passed a shop, where he saw a sign, “Magic Vulture for Sale”.
Curious, the man walked into the shop and asked about the bird.
The salesman replied, “This vulture has special powers.
Whenever you go shopping, bring it along, and the cashier


Funny Jokes

Four married guys go fishingAfter an hour, the following conversation took place:First guy: “You have no idea what I had to do to be able to come out fishing this weekendI had to promise my wife that I will paint every room in the house next weekend.”Seco


Funny Jokes

A game warden was driving down the road when he came upon a boy carrying a wild turkey under his arm.He stopped and asked the boy, “Where did you get that turkey?”The boy replied, “What turkey?”The game warden said, “That turkey you're carrying under your


Funny Jokes

A man went to confession in St. Patrick’s Catholic Church.
‘Father’, he confessed, ‘it has been one month since my last confession.
I had make love with Fanny Green twice last month.’
The priest told the sinner, ‘You are forgiven. Go out and say


Funny Jokes

“I don't know why, but I'm afraid that this room might be bugged with listening devices.” the girlfriend tells her boyfriend.“That's crazy, there's nothing to be worried about.” the man replies.The girl insists, so he starts to search the roomHe looks in


Funny Jokes

A man goes to see the Rabbi. ‘Rabbi, something terrible is happening and I have to talk to you about it.’
The Rabbi asked, ‘What’s wrong?’ The man replied, ‘I’m pretty sure my wife is poisoning me.’
The Rabbi, very surprised by this, asks, ‘How can


Funny Jokes

Suddenly, the captain announces over the public address system, “Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry to say that I have some bad news.  Our engines are malfunctioning and we will attempt an emergency landing.Luckily, I see an uncharted island below us and we


Funny Jokes

A husband and wife have four sons.The oldest three are tall with red hair and light skin while the youngest son is short with black hair and dark eyes.The father was on his deathbed when he turned to his wife and said,“Honey, before I die, be totally hone


Funny Jokes

The husband, who is the one behind the wheel, asks, “What's the problem, officer?”Officer: “You were going at least 75 in a 55 zone.”Man: “No sir, I was going 65.”Wife: “Oh, HarryYou were going 80.” (The man gives his wife a dirty look.)Officer: “I'm also


Funny Jokes

Three old women die and go to heaven.
When they reach the gates of heaven St. Peter tells them that they have to answer a question to enter.
Then he asks them which one wants to go first.
The oldest of the three say I will go first and set an exa

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